You are suffering from fibromyalgia? A new study found that acupuncture can help to relief pain. Read below or see the full article on HealthCMi.
“Acupuncture is an effective treatment modality for the alleviation of fibromyalgia. Researchers at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Ataturk University conclude that acupuncture improves two biochemical markers and clinical outcomes for patients with fibromyalgia. Objective measures show that acupuncture increases serum serotonin levels while simultaneously reducing Substance P levels. For subjectives, the researchers document lasting subjective improvements including less pain, fatigue, and anxiety.
bromyalgia is a chronic condition with a variety of symptoms including widespread pain, sleep problems, fatigue, and cognitive difficulties. Fibromyalgia is frequently comorbid with depression and anxiety. The exact mechanism of the disease is has not been fully identified within allopathic and hospital medicine, but it is thought that serotonin and Substance P play an important role.
The study measures levels of these two biochemical markers along with several clinical parameters, both before and after treatment with acupuncture. A total of 75 female participants were recruited for the study.
These findings indicate that sham acupuncture and simulated acupuncture provide a short-term placebo effect but do not provide long-term results. True acupuncture produced greater short-term results and also produced long-term positive patient outcomes. This indicates that the effective action of true acupuncture is not due to the placebo effect.
This study suggests that acupuncture is an effective treatment for patients with fibromyalgia, with the ability to improve a wide variety of symptoms, increase serum serotonin levels, and reduce serum Substance P levels.
For full study and results see:
Source: HealthCMi