Acupuncture Migraine Relief Confirmed
A new clinical study confirms that acupuncture relieves pain from migraine.
The study also confirms that the classic ancient TCM methods are working with migraine.
Acupuncture reduces migraine attack frequency, duration, and intensity. True acupuncture reduces the pain levels of migraine attacks while simultaneously reducing the duration of migraines.
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In related findings, researchers (Zhao et al.) conclude that acupuncture reduces migraine attack frequency, duration, and intensity. The researchers note, “True acupuncture [TA] exhibited persistent, superior, and clinically relevant benefits for migraine prophylaxis, reducing the migraine frequency, number of days with migraine, and pain intensity to a greater degree than SA [sham acupuncture] or WL [wait list].” Also, patients receiving true acupuncture demonstrated significant improvements in the “emotional domain of quality of life.” The research team concludes, “Acupuncture should be considered as one option for migraine prophylaxis in light of our findings.” [Zhao, Ling, Jiao Chen, Ying Li, Xin Sun, Xiaorong Chang, Hui Zheng, Biao Gong et al. “The long-term effect of acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis: a randomized clinical trial.” JAMA Internal Medicine (2017)]
True acupuncture patients and sham acupuncture patients received 20 sessions of electro-acupuncture treatments at a rate of once per day, for a total of 5 consecutive days. A two-day break followed each session before applying the next treatment round. Each acupuncture treatment was 30 minutes long and the total span of acupuncture treatments lasted 4 weeks. Four acupoints were permitted during each acupuncture treatment. Two acupoints were applied to all patients in the real acupuncture group:
- Fengchi (GB20)
- Shuaigu (GB8)
Two additional acupuncture points were used based on diagnostics:
- Hegu (LI4)
- Neiting (ST44)
- Taichong (LV3)
- Qiuxu (GB40)
- Waiguan (TB5)
- Yanglingquan (GB34)
- Kunlun (BL60)
- Houxi (SI3)
Needles were 25–40 mm in length and were 32 gauge (0.25 mm). Left alternating sides chose and right side acupuncture points, a practice common to prevent overstimulation in deficient patients. Deqi was stimulated with manual acupuncture at each point. Electroacupuncture was applied with an alternating frequency of 2/100 Hz. The frequency changed every 3 seconds. The intensity was set to tolerance levels and was limited to 0.1–1.0 mA. The researchers determined that acupuncture is an effective treatment modality, producing lasting and significant clinical outcomes.
Read the full article here