Fertility Acupuncture
FACT is a group of experienced acupuncturists offering the women of the Wellington region a total care package throughout life – from puberty to menopause.
Coco from The Acupuncture Woman is a member of the FACT team and is working on a roster with other acupuncturists at the Fertility Associates clinic in Wellington.
As a member of the FACT group, we support women and families with fertility questions and accompany you through the period of pregnancy and beyond.
Acupuncture can provide a wide range of support to increase fertility in women and men. But our support also includes the period of pregnancy with symptoms like morning sickness, insomnia or pain and continues with the support of mother and child after labour.
Women’s Health
The Acupuncture Woman specialises in women’s health and we take a strong focus on helping our clients feel better.
FACT group members meet on a regular basis to exchange experiences and to visit trainings. We share and discuss the newest studies and facts about how acupuncture can help and support women’s health.
Every case is different, as every human is. As a result, The Acupuncture Woman takes the approach of seeing the human body as one unit. We do not focus on a single issue or illness but on the entire organism, the entire human. With the holistic view we have, you may have a different experience when you visit us. The success in improving the health and the feeling of our customers convinced us in this view.
Comments 2
Hi! How much for fertility acupunture? Thank you
Please book an Acupuncture First Consultation appointment for the initial consultation. All further consultations are acupuncture followup sessions.