
Laser Acupuncture for arterial hypertension

Empowering Health Through Innovative Laser Acupuncture In a recent study published on PMC, researchers discovered that laser acupuncture may reduce blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension. This meticulously designed study aimed to ascertain the efficacy of a laser acupuncture protocol administered by proficient nurses exclusively for arterial hypertension patients. Study Objectives This study’s primary objectives were to gauge the …


Fibromyalgia - Acupuncture Wellington

You are suffering from fibromyalgia? A new study found that acupuncture can help to relief pain. Read below or see the full article on HealthCMi. “Acupuncture is an effective treatment modality for the alleviation of fibromyalgia. Researchers at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Ataturk University conclude that acupuncture improves two biochemical markers and clinical outcomes for patients with …


Can Acupuncture help with weight loss?

 I often get asked”Acupuncture for weight loss – does this work?“ This PubMed Study compares, in a randomized controlled trial, effects of auricular (ear acupuncture ) and body Acupuncture in obese women. The results show both methods lost body weight but auricular acupuncture was better than body acupuncture. Book yourself for a consultation and see how I can assist you …


Acupuncture For Mild Depression

Acupuncture and Drugs Found Equally Effective For Mild Depression The newest studies show the equal effectiveness of acupuncture with depression patients. Researchers at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Guangdong Province discovered that acupuncture combined with moxibustion has comparable efficacy rates as the medication paroxetine in treating mild to moderate depression. The study found that authentic acupuncture had similar results …

The acupuncture woman-Fertility-baby-feet

Fertility & Acupuncture Childbirth Team – FACT | Wellington

Fertility Acupuncture FACT is a group of experienced acupuncturists offering the women of the Wellington region a total care package throughout life – from puberty to menopause. Coco from The Acupuncture Woman is a member of the FACT team and is working on a roster with other acupuncturists at the Fertility Associates clinic in Wellington. As a member of the …